

The cleanroom construction company introduced that with the advancement of science and technology, the development of various products has gradually developed the requirements for the purification degree of the purification mechanism. Regarding the quality of contemporary clean workshops, the field of clean equipment is also keeping pace with the times to meet the requirements of safe technology.
Clean engineering has high technological content and strong comprehensiveness, and must be operated by a technical professional purification enterprise. When working, you must pay attention to the following areas.
Ecological environmental protection and energy conservation and environmental protection: ecological environmental protection, energy conservation and environmental protection are the national strategic layout. In the process of transportation, storage and operation of engineering materials, environmental pollution is prohibited, and waste is treated separately. According to the different day and night requirements of ecological and environmental protection noise guarantee, the operation time of clean workshop operation sub-items is reasonably coordinated and arranged, and measures to save electricity and water are taken.
Quality protection: the cleanroom construction company introduced that the operation should be carried out in strict accordance with the construction drawings and relevant specifications of the clean engineering, and the materials entering the site should be spot checked and tested according to regulations, and only after they are qualified can they be used. For key parts, it is advisable to carry out sample-making operations, which are subject to large-scale operations after approval by the owner and the supervision engineer.
For special production processes, special process regulations must be formulated, and clean workshop construction personnel should be proficient in special process regulations. Work inspection records, work acceptance records and other records that should be filled in in a timely manner should be filled in so as to synchronize the documents with the project.

Cleanroom Constraction



Safety assurance: when implementing clean projects, there should be an emergency rescue plan with safety assurance, all construction personnel should have safety training, and safety signs should be made in important positions, fire prevention work on the construction site should be strengthened, fire safety regulations should be strictly implemented, responsibility should be assigned to people, and non-productive open flames should be eliminated on site.

Finished product protection: when building a clean project, the equipment materials should be protected from rain, snow and sun, so as to prevent the equipment materials from rusting and aging. for important equipment and equipment such as air filters, special areas should be set up for safekeeping to unify the whole finished product protection and warning signs.
Operation under special meteorological conditions: the cleanroom construction company told everyone to have temporary heating equipment to ensure the requirements of clean workshop operation in winter. When there may be an ambient temperature below zero, there should be thermal insulation and antifreeze measures for operation water pipelines. In addition, when cleaning the project, rain prevention measures should be taken in the operation area. During the sandstorm, all orifices leading to the outside world should be closed to stop the operation and debugging of the system.
To ensure the quality of clean projects, attention must be paid to the above 5 areas. With the rapid development of China’s economy, enterprises in the clean workshop industry are usually growing up quickly. Just because clean engineering is an ecological and environmental protection profession, it is a trend to trust this profession more and more in the future.

Post time: Jul-26-2022